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Pastured Pork

For a comparison of the varieties, grazing practices, and processing of GRAN ROCAs Pastured Pork Products with the typical fare found in mercadoes, super-mercadoes and other fairs, click on our info page: Pastured Pork and Beef

Smoked Pork Sliced Bacon


A customer favorite, our Smoked Sliced Bacon comes from our Award Winning Pastured Pork. It is fully cooked in a smoker and can be re-heated in a fry-pan. It has been sliced to a 1/8" thickness, far tastier than what is available in the supermarket.

Smoked Pork Sliced Ham


A customer favorite, our Sliced Smoked Ham comes from our Award Winning Pastured Pork. It is fully cooked in a smoker and can be re-heated in a fry-pan. It has been sliced to a 1/8" thickness, far tastier than what is available in the supermarket.